Every year has a month that kind of just gets away from you. June was that month for me. At least there was a reason for it: as I've discussed in a previous post on this blog, I tore my Achilles tendon and went on vacation in the same week, so it's been a catch-up game in my recovery since then. As a result, this month's haul is somewhat lacking. However, we're closer and closer to a return to normalcy each day, which means there's going to be lots to discuss for the rest of the summer. I only saw one movie (F9: the Fast Saga) and wrote a review for it, so everything I watched in theaters was covered, and the NBA playoffs have taken up most of my nights, so reading hasn't been much of a priority recently. That leaves only the music I've listened to, but June had plenty of that to offer. Let's dig in.
What I Listened To

Atreyu - Baptize After facelifting the band's vocal duties (former screamer Alex Varkatzas is out, replaced by Porter McKnight, already the band's bassist, while Brandon Saller is out from behind the drum kit and serving as the band's frontman), the self-proclaimed inventors of metalcore are back and rejuvenated. Armed with 15 songs that clock in at just over 40 minutes, Baptize is a blistering entry into Ateryu's discography, but not without it's flaws. Gone are the guitar solos of Dan Jacobs and Travis Miguel, as the band are opting for more riff- and breakdown-oriented tracks. McKnight and Saller's vocals don't follow the typical Atreyu formula you may be used to, but it's clear they're still working through the awkward first stages of their songwriting with one another. All that said, the band's flair for arena-ready choruses is very much still intact, so if you've been following this band in any small capacity over the years, there's a very good chance you'll find at least a song or two that you'll like on Baptize.

The Devil Wears Prada - ZII (Zombie 2) Sparked by the COVID-19 pandemic, The Devil Wears Prada have dusted off a fan-favorite release for its sequel. Unlike some of the horror movie sequels we've become so accustomed to being battered with, ZII does a great job with expanding on the universe TDWP are creating, and serve as a return to the "heavy" sound some fans thought the band was lacking on 2019's The Act. This is the EP you need to throw on at the gym when you need to get to a higher gear.

Beartooth - Below I'll admit that I'm not the person you should go to for the best and most correct opinions on the music of the American hard rock band Beartooth, but I know a good hard rock album when I hear one, and that's exactly what Below is. I've had a few of the band's songs get stuck in my head over the years, but it was never enough for me to give them more than a passing thought, but that's changed with this album. Below is a record about being forced to face your demons, feeling trapped by them, even beaten by them at times, and still finding a way to overcome them anyway. The band's maestro Caleb Shomo has never shied away from discussing and writing about his mental health struggles, and they're once again on fill display here, with anthems upon anthems ready to be sung by those who feel the same. Below toes the line between being a dark album and a triumphant one beautifully, and establishes that Beartooth will remain at the top of the metalcore genre for quite some time into the future.
Sadly, that's all we've got for now. I should also mention that Spotify has all of the song's from Bo Burnham's phenomenal special Inside available for streaming, which is awesome, and that the latest Marvel series Loki has lived up to or perhaps exceeded expectations, I just didn't feel the need to give full write-ups to those things because it's likely that you have already tried those things out, anyway.
Looking forward to July, the movies will be back in a big way, starting with Black Widow. I'm also planning on seeing The Night House, Old, Snake Eyes, and, because I can't stop myself from seeing movies I know are going to be awful, the new Space Jam. July will also see a new NBA champion crowned, which I can't wait to see. Music-wise, the biggest album we'll see in July is going to be xoxo from The Maine, who are at worst 3-for-4 on the songs they're released so far. We'll also have new music from John Mayer, who's inserted himself into the Song of the Year conversation with "Last Train Home." Will Sob Rock have any tracks that top it? Oh, who am I kidding, you're probably still listening to the Olivia Rodrigo album.